May 1, 2020
There isn't any question that food is a top concern when traveling on vacation. You've probably had more headaches over what to eat than anything else when visiting hideaway resorts, hotels, or even bed & breakfasts. What makes this all the more problematic is the kind of food you'll find in the places where you stay. If you're staying overseas, it sometimes means consuming exotic items you've never had before, which only brings elements of risk. While the above is exciting for some people, it can bring some dangers to your health. The last thing you want is food that could potentially make you sick in a foreign location where medical facilities aren't the greatest. Here at Oak Lake Lodge, we decided that food needed a strong focus on our vacation packages. We knew that when people travel to a vacation destination, they wanted food that's substantive, yet also not overly offbeat to a point where it could cause illness. Also, based on the response of our customers, we understood that most people enjoy having traditional food. Yes, traditional food gives you a sense of home, despite being served here in a remote location where pristine nature surrounds you. Let us show you the kind of traditional food you'll find for your fly-in fishing vacation. We'll show you why it's safer and even healthier than many other foods found in other tourist destinations.